{"id":12269,"date":"2017-09-28T10:43:14","date_gmt":"2017-09-28T10:43:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/dmampo.org\/?page_id=12269"},"modified":"2023-05-18T18:46:20","modified_gmt":"2023-05-18T18:46:20","slug":"speaker-don-shoup","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/dmampo.org\/speaker-don-shoup\/","title":{"rendered":"Speaker Don Shoup"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Expert Don Shoup speaks in Des Moines on \u201cParkability: The Price and Politics of Parking\u201d<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Set the right price for curb parking. Return parking revenue to pay for local public services. Remove minimum parking requirements.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

These are the three basic policies recommended by professor and author Don Shoup in his authoritative book on parking policy in U.S. cities, \u201cThe High Cost of Free Parking,\u201d and a featured speaker in The Tomorrow Plan Speaker Series. His talk \u2013 \u201cParkability: The Price and Politics of Parking\u201d \u2013 was held Tuesday, October 17, at the State Historical Building in Des Moines. His presentation is shared here, along with video of his talk, to support ongoing conversation about parking policy.<\/p>\n\n\n

[googleapps domain=”drive” dir=”file\/d\/0B4cbN4B_cyf2dzJqaUYxZHZHVms\/preview” query=”” width=”900″ height=”480″ \/]<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Shoup is a Distinguished Research Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, in the Department of Urban Planning. Since publishing his book, Shoup has become a sought-after authority on parking policy and has cultivated a dedicated following of fans, including more than 3,500 members of the Facebook group called \u201cThe Shoupistas.\u201d For more information on Don Shoup, visit his website: www.shoupdogg.com<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The Tomorrow Plan Speaker Series is an implementation strategy of The Tomorrow Plan, a plan for the sustainable development of Greater Des Moines, as a resource to community leaders to learn best practices from some of the country\u2019s leading thinkers. The 2016 Speaker Series will touch on a wide range of topics related to creating a high quality of life in metropolitan areas, including the sharing economy, the effects of transportation and housing on public health, walkability, water quality, public transit and more. For more information, please visit dmampo.org\/the-tomorrow-plan\/speaker-series\/<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Short Take (5 minutes)<\/h5>\n\n\n