Westcom Dispatch Center

Status: Existing


The Westcom Dispatch Center is a consolidated public safety dispatch facility that receives public safety related calls and dispatches police, fire and emergency medical services for the cities of Clive, Norwalk, Urbandale, Waukee and West Des Moines.


StakeholderRoleRole Status
Westcom Dispatch CenterOwnsExisting
Westcom Dispatch CenterOperatesExisting

Physical Objects

Emergency Management Center
Other Emergency Management Centers
Emergency Telecommunications System

Interfaces To

(View Context Diagram)

Alert Iowa Statewide Messaging System
Clive Dymond Public Safety Facility
Clive Public Safety Facility
Des Moines Area County Emergency Management Centers
Des Moines Area County Emergency Management Centers Personnel
Des Moines Police Department Dispatch Center
Iowa DOT Traffic Management Center (TMC)
Norwalk Public Safety Building
Polk County Emergency Operations Center
Polk County Sheriff Bob E. Rice Communications Center
Urbandale Fire Stations
Waukee Public Safety Building
Waukee Public Works Building
Westcom Area Fire and Police Departments
Westcom Dispatch Center Operators