SU10: Center Maintenance (Waukee Public Works)

Need Area Description

––Instance of SU10–– This service package supports maintenance of the computers, networks, video walls, and other information technology assets that are installed in a center to support center operations. Like other support service packages, this SP is drawn at a high level of abstraction so the basic interfaces and functionality associated with maintaining center IT assets can be applied to any center.

Need Area Type: Unspecified

Service Package

SU10: Center Maintenance (Waukee Public Works)

Includes Needs

01Operating agencies need to be able to maintain the hardware and software assets installed in the center so that the assets continue to operate as designed.
02Operating agencies need to be able to monitor the status of center hardware assets in order to diagnose problems that may occur during operations.
03Operating agencies need to be able to reconfigure center assets as well as perform installation or upgrade of software used to support operations.