The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Alliance (CIRTPA) will host an online public input meeting to receive comments on the Federal Fiscal Years 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program (FFY 2022-2025 TIP) Draft for both organizations. The meeting starts at 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 23, 2021.
The TIPs contain four years of projects for MPO and CIRTPA member governments anticipate implementing using federal transportation dollars. The TIPs are the programming documents for all surface transportation projects that receive federal funds, including: street and highway, transit, rail, bicycle, and pedestrian projects in the MPO and CIRTPA Planning Area Boundaries. The MPO and CIRTPA updates the TIPs annually and at member governments’ request. The MPO and CIRTPA informs the public as to what member governments’ and participating agencies’ intentions are regarding these projects and the use of these federal dollars.
The MPO and CIRTPA will host the public input meeting using the open forum format to encourage the meeting attendees to express their views, to share their opinions, and to ask their questions regarding the proposed projects. One may share their opinion with the MPO and CIRTPA staff in two ways: 1) orally through the online meeting; or, 2) by submitting written comments to the MPO or CIRTPA before the June 24, 2020, meeting but prior to the close of the comment period on July 12, 2021, for the MPO and July 15, 2021, for CIRTPA.
The FFY 2022-2025 Draft TIPs are viewable on the MPO and CIRTPA websites, and, or one may request a paper copy at (515)-334-0075 or
To join the TIP Public Input Meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
Meeting ID: 813 9274 4936
Passcode: 146120
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