The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is a regional transportation planning entity comprised of local communities and transportation agencies in the Des Moines, Iowa, metropolitan region.
Who We Are
The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is a regional transportation planning entity comprised of local communities and transportation agencies in the Des Moines, Iowa, metropolitan region.
Employment Opportunities
Employment opportunities with the Des Moines Area MPO will be posted here as they become available.
Three designated committees form the structure of the MPO: the Transportation Technical Committee (TTC), the Executive Committee, and the MPO Policy Committee.
Member Governments
Governments throughout the Greater Des Moines region are members of the Des Moines Area MPO and have varying degrees of involvement. View an interactive map of members, their membership status, and total population.
Committees and Roundtables
Three designated committees form the structure of the MPO: the Transportation Technical Committee (TTC), the Executive Committee, and the MPO Policy Committee.
Public Participation
The MPO provides a continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive planning process for the area. As part of this process, the MPO solicits public review and comment on the work, projects, and products that it creates and proposes.
The staff members of Des Moines Area MPO bring a diverse range of experience and expertise to the region. Request a presentation by an MPO staff member!
Title VI
The Des Moines Area MPO, by virtue of accepting federal funding, pledges to not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, minority status or income level.
Unified Planning Work Program
The Des Moines Area MPO develops a work plan, called the Unified Planning Work Program and Budget, for each of its fiscal years, which runs July 1 through June 30.
Strategic Plan
The MPO Strategic Plan was adopted by the MPO Policy Committee on January 18, 2018, and will guide the Des Moines Area MPO as an organization.
The MPO occasionally seeks consultants to assist with its work. Requests for qualifications (RFQ) and requests for proposals (RFP) will be posted here.