The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) provides a continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive (3-C) transportation planning process for greater Des Moines metropolitan area. As part of a successful 3-C transportation planning process, the MPO solicits public review and comment on the work, projects, and products proposed and created by the MPO.
The MPO’s Public Participation Plan (PPP) intends to promote this effort by defining a process that provides citizens, stakeholder groups, and other interested parties with reasonable opportunities to be involved in the transportation planning process.
The MPO developed this PPP in consultation with the public and other interested parties. Draft documents were published online with requests for public feedback, and these were publicized via newsletter, social media, and MPO committee meetings. Feedback was reviewed and incorporated in this document following a 45-day comment period. Included in this PPP are the MPO’s policies and procedures for conducting public outreach, scheduling public meetings, and incorporating public input into the transportation planning process.